Privacy Policy and Cookies

Protection of data has a high priority at UNIFURN and we want to secure transparency in the way we handle your personal information. Therefore we have developed a policy for how we handle and protect your personal information.

Who is responsible for your personal information?
UNIFURN is responsible for the personal information which you provide us with and is responsible for handling your information in accordance with international laws of data protection.

Address: Højby Allé 48, 5260 Odense S, Denmark
Tel: +45 60 55 96 81
VAT: 39534975

Where do we store your information?
The information which we collect about you is stored within the European Economic Cooperation (EEC) but can also be transferred to countries outside the EEC. Such a transfer of your personal information will be handled in accordance with international law.

Who has access?
UNIFURN has access to the information provided by you.
What is the purpose of the handling of data?
We use your information to:
Communicate with you in relation to our business
Individual marketing and tageting of relevant offers and products which fit your needs
Analyses, statistics and reports through which we can improve our products and service
For legal purposes

The providing of personal information can be necessary in relation to orders. In these situations we will not be able to offer you our products unless you provide us with the relevant information.

We never sell or exchange your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes outside UNIFURN. Personal information which are provided to third parties is used only to serve you and improve your experience.

We do not keep any sensitive personal information.

How is your personal information handled?
Your personal information is saved with UNIFURN for a period of 5 years from the date where an order was received – the information is then deleted.

We use an encrypted connection (SSL) but a 100% security can never be guaranteed in relation to transmission of data. There is always a risk that others ilegally steals information when data is transmitted online. Therefore, you provide your personal information at your own risk.

Changes in the handling of personal information may be necessary and therefore we reserve the right to update/change this privacy policy.

What are your rights?
As a customer at UNIFURN you have the following rights:

Access to and the right to adjust your information registered with UNIFURN.

Deleting on demand (see below).
Data portability, meaning you can request delivering of information which you have given to UNIFURN in a structured, common and machine readable format.
Possibility of withdrawing your accept. The withdrawal of your accept does not affect the legality of the handling based on previously given accept.
Possibilty of objecting to profiling.
Possibility of demanding a restricted handling of personal information.
As a customer of UNIFURN you have the right at any given time to see and confirm your personal information, and you also have the possibility to withdraw your accept of our handling of your personal information.
At any given time you can ask UNIFURN to delete your personal information.

Your personal information will be deleted upon your request provided that one of the following criterias is met:

You withdraw your accept (provided that your accept was required for the handling of information)

The information proves to be incorrect or no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was provided, or if the information is handled against the law.

Exercising your rights can be subject to conditions and restrictions and will often depend on the handling of information in question.

All requests related to this should be forwarded in an email to UNIFURN at

How to complain
If you think UNIFURN handle your personal information ilegally, you have the right to complain. Complaints should be forwarded through the Danish Datatilsynet by following this link:

In case of disagreement
Any disagreement between UNIFURN and the customer should be solved by the two parties, however, if this is not possible it will be settled by Byretten in Denmark under Danish law.

On we use cookies solely for the purpose of optimizing functionality of the website, so that your user experience can be improved.

A technical functionality which can remember your settings.

A cookie is a little data file which is placed on the hard disk of your computer in order for our website to be able to recognize it.

It is not a program and it can not read or damage data on your computer.

Only the website which placed the cookie on your computer will be able to read the content of the cookie.

A cookie can not contain virus or similar which can damage your data or computer.

You can read more about cookies on

Cookies can be deleted or blocked on